Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daddy and son, so much fun!

I love it when my handsome boys are all dressed up on Sundays. They look SO good!

And me and my other boy-on-the-way still try to dress up even though not much fits anymore...
You know how sometimes you wonder what your child will be like when they grow up? Well, I usually think about which sports or instruments or technology he might get into it. However, Landon thinks of important things, like, maybe he'll be a prophet or just really, really righteous. Which is why I shouldn't have been too surprised to come home and find Landon taking these pictures of Austin...then we can show that Austin was interested at an early age because it's not like we made him pose like that.  Mmhmm...       ;)    

(OK, so he got the piano too)

Landon is such a good dad. He goes out of his way to make things fun for Austin-
-even when Austin isn't interested for more than few seconds as you can see. Love it!
 But Austin absolutely loves Dad and asks for him every morning although he's usually already gone for school.  Austin wants Dad to get him out of his bed.  He really doesn't have a choice at that point and once he realizes that there's no other way, he eventually lets me get him out.


MTMcGee said...

What cute pictures!! I hope that your last week goes well for you. Can't wait to see the new little guy!

Trina said...

The picture of him carrying his scriptures is way too cute!

I'm with you one the, "not much of anything fits this watermelon that someone put up my shirt" stage.

Glad that I'm not the only one with a child who would rather their daddy get them up. Allison usually asks for Daddy, when I come and get her, sometimes she still asks for daddy. He's always still home, and usually gets her. But when I do, she often just wants him and if she thinks he's going to leave with out giving her a hug she says, "daddy hug, daddy hug..." She loves her daddy!

Let's wish for deliveries soon! Good luck! Hopefully all goes well.

P.S. Have you ever met a family named Kim and Derek McCloy? Or did you ever know Jeremy and Bridget Palmer before they moved here last fall? Random, I know.

Becky said...

That is an awesome picture of you and boy #2! I laughed :) And Austin will make a great missionary!